The first season: The Shinigami
The story begins with the life of a high school student named Ara Buge Kazama in Karakura Town could see spirits. Buge initially could only see the usual spirit of the people who have died, but that changed when one day he met a woman dressed in a black robe in his room. The woman is a shinigami named Rukia Kuchiki. His arrival caused by the spiritual power of a hollow, an evil spirit. hollow in question suddenly came and attacked the family because it felt Buge spiritual power Buge great. Buge then engaged in a fight with a hollow that had hurt his family, even though Rukia who should fight these hollow Buge been banned before. Buge inability to defeat the hollow, Rukia was seriously injured as a result when trying to help Buge. To defeat the hollow that there is only one way, namely by lending some strength to a Rukia's shinigami Buge. Unfortunately in the process occurs accidentally, Buge take all the spiritual powers and make him lose Rukia shinigami powers. As a result, Ichigo then incarnated as a shinigami and the hollow beat.
The next day, Rukia appears in Buge class as a transfer student. Moreover, this time Rukia looks like a human being and can be seen by their classmates. Rukia told Buge that the magical power of the spirit Buge who enabled him to absorb all its strength, and make it into berpidah must gigai, artificial human body. While waiting for his shinigami powers recover, Rukia then decided to stay temporarily in the human world. Buge must be replaced to keep his job Karakura town, against the hollow, and bring the wandering spirit in the human world to Soul Society.
The second season: The Soul Society
After about two months, finally two pursuers from the Soul Society come to the human world to bring back Rukia, which will be executed. Because Rukia gave her shinigami powers which are first-class crime and also because he lived too long in the human world.
Both pursuers is Renji Abarai (Rukia's childhood friend) and Byakuya Kuchiki, who was none other than Rukia's brother. Ishida who at that time out did not accidentally see Rukia Byakuya being pursued by and Renji, Rukia he tried to help but by Byakuya defeated in a flash and soon after it came to helping Ichigo and Rukia as Ichigo Renji nearly defeated, Ichigo's sword is broken and Ichigo Byakuya finally finish off and eliminate the power of his shinigami Rukia and Ichigo left in the rain.
Ichigo is realized finally decided to return to practice with Shihouin power in a secret place in the store. Inoue, Chad, and Ishida were also trained with Yoruichi. Uruhara said that the quickest way to become a shinigami is to cross the hollow. And finally Ichigo becomes a shinigami with its own power despite a hollow in the spirit.
Not long after they finally leave for the Soul Society. Enter into the Soul Society is not an easy thing, because there are guards and protect the dome. With the help of his sister Ganju and they can get. Ganju was helping them in the. In Soul Society they have to deal with the power of shinigami 13 army divisions. Even having to deal with the vice-captain or captain of an unexpected power. Even when faced Kenpachi Zaraki, Ichigo was seriously injured and his sword was broken. But finally managed to meet Rukia Ichigo in the white tower though only for a moment. By the time Ichigo meets Rukia, Byakuya came and fight Ichigo, Yoruichi then came and carried away to be trained Ichigo bankai by Yoruichi.
On the other hand there was the confrontation between Sasuke Aizen, Gin Ichimaru, and Kaname Tousen. Each division is the captain of 5, 3, and 9. Aizen previously hypnotized everyone in Soul Society by using the power of his zanpakuto, pretending to have been murdered so everyone thought he was dead. At that time he planned to get Hyogyoku (ball spirits who have extraordinary powers, which are planted in the body Uruhara Rukia. Hitsugaya Toshiro (10 division captain) knows this could compete with the previously Aizen stabbed Aizen own representatives (Hinamori Momo).
After successfully practicing bankai Ichigo, he returned to the place of execution. In this Rukia rescue, was captain of the division 8 (Kyoraku Shunsui) and the 13th division captain (Ukitake Jushiro) to help Ichigo. In fact they were dealing with their own teacher is the commander of the captain (Captain Division 1), Genryusai Yamamoto. Renji Abarai previously faced with Byakuya, made off with Rukia. Not only that, the Kenpachi Zaraki was originally against Ichigo and Rukia helped liberate dealing with Kaname Tousen and Komamura Saijin (7th Division Captain), they both pulled out bankai, but not defeated Kenpachi. Ichigo is confronted by Byakuya and Byakuya is surprised that Ichigo has a bankai.
Renji Abarai Rukia finally bringing intercepted by Aizen Sasuke, Gin Ichimaru, and Kaname Tousen. With the power Tousen bring them back to the place of execution. But it all finally know that their true enemy is Aizen, Tousen, and Ichimaru. This is where the captain finally Ichigo and the others trying desperately to prevent Aizen get Hyogyoku. But Aizen still get it. Aizen, Ichimaru, and Tousen finally went in front of them all and said he would menghancurlan Soul Society and rule the world.
The third season: The Hueco Mundo
Aizen who have obtained Hyogyoku building strength to achieve his goals. Together Tousen and Ichimaru and the Arrancar (highest evolution of the hollow who has a sword like a shinigami zanpakuto) they are in the world of the hollow (Hueco Mundo). While the Arrancar's own so-called Espada, Arrancar have given number Aizen, has great strength on the basis of their numerical order. The arrival of the first yng Arrancar, Ulqiora Schiffer (number 4) and Yammi (number 10) who attacked the humans, including Tatsuki (Bleach friend) makes Chad and Orihime is almost killed by Yammi. Fortunately Ichigo arrived on time. Despite losing (because interference hollow in Ichigo's body), and Uruhara Ichigo Yoruichi came to the rescue. This makes Soul Society send Hitsugaya, Matsumoto (Vice Hitsugaya), Renji, Yamichika, and Ikkaku. Yamichika and Ikkaku are people in positions 3 and 4 below Kenpachi, must be on guard in the human world.
The attack not only that, Grimmjow (number 6) along with 4 other friends who Arrancar attack. This time to face is Hitsugaya, Matsumoto, Renji, Yamichika, and Ikkaku. Even Ikkaku should issue a bankai he not been out before. Luckily limit on permits issued from the Soul Society, which had been granted so Hitsugaya, Matsumoto, and Renji has limited powers when coming into the Soul Society, Arrancar can fight with full force. Ichigo himself desperately against Grimmjow, Ichigo Grimmjow was seriously injured while suffering from burn injuries due to attacks from Ichigo bankai stance, Getsuga Tenshou. In the middle of the struggle between Ichigodan Grimmjow, Tousen came and brought back to Hueco Mundo Grimmjow.
Ichigo had met with Hirako, a Vizard (a group of people who have the power of shinigami and hollow), decided to practice with the Vizard control how hollow that is in her spirit. Ishida was a loss of strength training with his father. Chad training with Renji, and Rukia Orihime with. At the time of their exercise, Aizen plans to bring Orihime to Hueco Mundo after seeing the incredible strength, and prepare to bring the attack and bring two new Arrancar.
Finally Grimmjow, Yammi and two new Arrancar attack again. Ichigo Grimmjow still fighting, and others still fighting Hitsugaya, Matsumoto, Yamichika, and Ikkaku. While fighting, Ichigo tried to force his hollow mask extraordinary, but because its use is still limited, he loses. As the start of urgency Ichigo, Orihime to Ulquiora mengacam to Hueco Mundo. Orihime had to go to the day after, Hueco Mundo because he had been wearing a bracelet Arrancar. At that moment Rukia and Ichigo Hirako came to help, Uruhara help Hitsugaya.
Ichigo is sad about losing Orihime, he tried to come to Hueco Mundo because Soul Society itself does not provide any help. But Chad and Ishida found that during this exercise their power to go to Hueco Mundo with. There Ichigo Arrancar met with a good group. Faced with many enemies, but came help from Renji and Rukia Byakuya on the orders of Commander Captain Yamamoto although not permit. Rukia is confronted with allery Arroniro Espada (Espada 9) and suffered severe injuries unconscious dantak despite making Arroniro killed. Renji and Ishida are dealing with Szayel Apporo (Espada 8) bahakan must fight like hell. Ichigo is finally back against Grimmjow took all his strength.
Season Four: The World
When the energy is exhausted after facing Ichigo Grimmjow, Espada attack from Noitra (number 5) to make Ichigo overwhelmed. Nel (one of the good Arrancar group) was forced to change shape so that the original Nel and found that he was a former Espada number 3. Nel could not do anything when he returned to his native form. Ichigo is half-dead finally got help from Captain Kenpachi. And beat Noitra. On the other hand, Rukia lying unconscious, almost killed by Zommari Leroux (Espada number 7), profit came Byakuya Kuchiki. Although time was wounded, finally able to defeat Byakuya Leroux. Renji and Ishida are already dying to face Szayel Apporo (Espada 8) assisted by Captain Mayuri. Captain Unohana came and tried to treat the injured Chad Noitra. In an unexpected moment, Stark (Espada number 1) comes back inoe kidnapping. Ichigo was chased and confronted with Ulquiorra.
Here, this season also told that the vizard it is the former captain and vice captain of the Gotei 13 to 100 years ago. Shihouin as captain of division 12, and his deputy Hiyori. It is said that betrayal Aizen, Ichimaru and Tousen had lasted a long time ago. Aizen who was then still a representative of the Hirako Shinji. Aizen is doing research on a restless population Hollowfication Soul Society, it makes Gotei 13 who does not know that Aizen behind all this. Shihouin when it was made and examined Hougyoku ask Mayuri (who was then still in prison for illegal research of Quincy) to help him. Ichimaru and Tousen the then 3rd ranked in their respective divisions helped Aizen. Aizen victims due Hollowfication is Muruguma Kensei, Mashiro Kuna, Sarugaki Hiyori, Aikawa Love, Rose, Lisa Yadomaru, Hachi (Kidou Corp.) and Shinji Hirako (Vizard All of them eventually became). Shihouin who know Aizen plan to try to help the eighth captain and vice captain of his friend, but the Soul Society, even assuming that Shihouin is the cause. With the help Yoruichi, they hide in the real world.
Season Five: The End
While Ichigo is confronted with Ulquiorra in Hueco mundo dying, eventually turned into a hollow shape mode 2, with a stronger shape although not in control, making Ulquiorra arms and legs broken. Even since lost control of the puncture made Ishida Ichigo sword. Still can defeat Ulquiorra. Ichigopun rushed to the real world to help others. Kenpachi and Byakuya dealing with Yammi (Arrancar 10) which was transformed into Espada Zero (number 0) and getting stronger, makes Kenpachi and Byakuya overwhelmed. In the real world because Hitsugaya began Hallibel driven into the hollow form 2. Facing Soifon Barragan who was the former king of aalah Hollow even lost his left hand due to toxins released stance Barragan. kyoraku after Stark was pressured to change the form of a hollow level 2. While the urgency of this, Vizard come. They mmbantu the old friend of the shinigami. Lisa helps Hitsugaya, Rose and love to help Kyoraku and Hachi help Soifon. Kensei and Mashiro beat Gillian and Hollow that comes from Hueco Mundo. Hiyori and Shinji to face Aizen, Ichimaru's sword while it is cut Hiyori's body, and Hiyoripun killed. Shinji's angry issued Shikai Aizen sword but still not defeated. On the other hand, faced with Komamura Kaname Tousen former best friend, assisted by Hisagi. Hisagi is the former vice-captain Tousen. Tousen has changed to the form to create a 3 Hollow Hisagi, and Komamura almost dead. Ttapi, finally in the hands of former wakinya own, managed to cut the throat Hisagi Tousen. Which saw the defeat Aien Tousen, kill Tousen lives. When all the captains and vice captains attacked Aizen, Ichigo who was traveling with Captain Unohana told me that not only hypnotized Ichigo and Ichigo can beat Aizen both in the real world, Hueco Mundo and Soul Society.
Back to the present, Aizen who want to make The King Karakuara Key in the city, with the intention of destroying the city, dealing with the power of shinigami 13 troops. Shinigami powers are diminished, because the other 4 captain locked in Hueco Mundo. Especially with 3 Espada Aizen strongest (numbers 1,2,3). Karakura town that has been moved to Soul Society with the help of 4 pillars Shihouin make switching places so that the spirit of the city was not destroyed. Barragan (Espada 2) who knows this Fraccsion ordered to destroy the four pillars. Battle ensued between the Fraccsion with 4 shinigami who guarded the pillar (Hisagi, Yamichika, Ikkaku and Kira). Here, there is only one pillar is destroyed, which is guarded by pillars Ikkaku, because ikkaku not want to spend Bankai. Matsumoto, who fought with sekrat due Fraccsion Hallibel (Espada 2) even coming assisted Hinamori Hisagi, and Kira Tsetsuzaemon, making Captain Yamamoto intervene and destroy Fraccsion Hallibel. Hitsugaya Hallibel own face. Soifon dealing with Barragan and Kyoraku dealing with Stark (Espada 1).
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